Welcome to our dojo's web site! The Isshinryu
Karate Academy (IKA) located in Washington, NJ, is the town’s
oldest, continuously operating martial arts school. Founded in 1980 by
Sensei Ben Lapinski, the IKA teaches a traditional type of Okinawan
karate. The IKA instructs children from as young as 5, to adults of all
ages. Classes are organized by age and are taught by experienced,
senior black belts. Instruction is given is a disciplined but
accessible environment with attention to traditional customs and
techniques. Outside of training the IKA is a friendly, family-oriented
community of students, teachers and friends. To learn more about us and
what we do explore our site, and when your ready give us a call or
visit our school!
Now offering Women's Safety and Self-Defense Class - $40 for 4 classes | mondays 6-7pm starting July 6th
New Student Enrollment Special!
- First class is free
- No Contracts
- No Gi (Uniform) Required
Please call (908) 689-7577 or stop by the dojo. |